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Wild in the Hollows by Amber C. Haines

ISBN-13: 9780800724078 Publisher: Revell

ISBN-13: 9780800724078
Publisher: Revell

Wild in the Hollow by Amber C. Haines
Blog Tour Dates August 1st – 15th

Amber Haines is a woman haunted by God. Like Eve in the Garden, she craved the fruit that she thought would lead her to freedom. But the whispers of temptation led her instead down a devastating path toward isolation, dissatisfaction, and life-altering choices. In her most broken moment, Amber met God waiting for her in the fallout, freely offering her grace and life.

This is a story of the God who makes himself known in broken places. In prose that is at once lyrical and utterly honest, a brave new voice takes readers on a windswept journey down the path of brokenness to healing, satisfaction, and true intimacy with God. Amber calls readers to dispense with the pretty bows we use to dress up our stories and instead trust God to take our untidy, unfinished lives and make them free, authentic, and whole. Anyone who struggles with doubt or holds secrets, anyone who feels marginalized or like she is missing something, will find in Amber a sister and an inviting voice back home, into the heart of God.


“No one, no one, has God given the gift of words like he has to [Amber].”

Ann Voskamp, New York Times bestselling author of One Thousand Gifts

Wild in the Hollow captivated me from the first page. Amber’s brave story invites us to explore our own broken places as she beckons us to wholeness and healing. This honesty inspires freedom in the church.”

Rebekah Lyons, author of Freefall to Fly and co-founder of Q Ideas

“I want people to read this anointed book for dozens of reasons: Amber’s voice, her writing, is incomparable to anything you’ve read before. But even beyond that gift, she writes about desire, our longing for home, with a deeply orthodox and yet mystical and sensual soul. This book made me feel homesick and at home all at the same time. Only Amber could so beautifully and rightly write into the parts of our human experience that usually defy words. I loved Wild in the Hollow.”

Sarah Bessey, author of Jesus Feminist and Out of Sorts

“How can a woman with a story so different from my own be telling my story too? Amber Haines has found a way, and I am deeply grateful for her artistry, her honesty, and her courage. Her story splays out like a pathway, her voice leading us forward like a mother, a prophet, and a child, each word a stone marking the way to the kingdom of God. This captivating book has stunned me speechless.”

Emily P. Freeman, author of Simply Tuesday and A Million Little Ways

“Amber Haines is a once-in-a-generation voice, and her lyrical, poetic writing is truly high art. Through her own story in Wild in the Hollow, she moves us back to the place we all long to be–deeply intimate with and known by God. It’s a journey that doesn’t overlook brokenness but rather illuminates a God who is ever-present in the midst. This book is a true gift, and I have more hope because of it.”

Nish Weiseth, author of Speak: How Your Story Can Change the World

Amber C. Haines is a soulful writer and a blogger at She is curator, with her husband, Seth, of Mother Letters and is a contributor with many acclaimed writers and bloggers at DaySpring’s (in)courage. She has been involved as a coordinator with both BlissDom and !dea Camp Orphan Care and continues to build meaningful relationships with church leaders, lifestyle bloggers, authors, advocates, and poets. She lives in Arkansas.

My Review

Wild in the Hollows by Amber C. Haines is not a “feel good” book, it’s not for the weak-hearted or the prim and proper. It’s a power punch of a story. The tale of one woman’s journey from shame to grace and all of the places in between. It’s raw and divulging – exposing the realness of life, all written within a prose carefully and magnificently orchestrated.

To give you a taste of the treasure within it, one of my favorite quotes from the book:

“Our systemized theology was our way to harness the wind, to get some reins on the Holy Spirit so we could manipulate him to the left or the right. Our systemized theology was a way to fit, to assimilate, and that was my desire – to fit into a people. But there was never anything so exhausting as that, as acting like we could control God, as trying to fit into a people who believed that they could control God. I was running out of energy, looking to fill the empty hollow again. Too self-aware and anemic, I let go of the reins. Isn’t it sometimes God’s mercy that we crash?” (pg. 58).

Amber C. Haines speaks of a life where she exchanged religious rules for the love of her Savior. It is beautifully written.

I received this book from Revell Reads in exchange for my honest opinion which I’ve provided here.

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