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Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus

Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus is beyond an entertaining or educational experience. It’s beyond a bible study. It’s the kind of book you keep close for reference, soaking in every word. Lois Tverberg writes like no one else I’ve read. Her talent and commitment for...

Doctor’s Dilemma

Doctor’s Dilemma is another great medical suspense book by Dr. Richard L. Mabry. Since I listened to the audiobook version of the story, I can add that the narration was well done. I preferred the male narrator voice as opposed to the female voices that have narrated...


Julie Cantrell has told another outstanding story in her book, Perennials. I must admit I could not wait to read this one and I devoured it in no time. The heart wrenching story of a family torn apart over the years and forced to face hard painful trials. I was...

Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point is book four in the Nikki Boyd Files series. I have thoroughly enjoyed this series and Vanishing Point yanked me into the story right from the first page. Six missing girls over the course of a decade have left Jordan Lambert and Garrett Addison...

You’ll Think of Me

You’ll Think of Me is a sweet romance about a single mom, Brooklyn Myers and her ex-husband’s best friend, Derek Johnson. They are tossed together by their mutual connection and find themselves battling for the same land. At first, each has decided to obtain the land...

The Loyal Heart

The Loyal Heart is book one in the Lone Star Hero’s Love Story Series. It is a powerfully written story of love that extends beyond distance and time. Phillip Markham’s concern for his wife, Miranda and the loyalty of friendship between Phillip and Robert Truax...

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