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Cindy Regnier_headshotFriends, it’s been too long but I’m so glad to be back with you and today, we’re talking with my very dear friend, and debut author, Cindy Regnier! Her book, Mail-Order Refuge, releases tomorrow, June 11, 2019.

I know…I know…you’re as excited to talk with her as I am. Grab a chair!

First, Cindy, welcome!! We’re so glad you’re joining us today. So, let’s dive right in. What drew you to historical romance as a reader and made you want to write it?

CINDY: As a child, I loved reading Laura Ingalls Wilder books. I think I read These Happy Golden Years about fifty-bazillion times. When I wrote my first book, I didn’t even think about it. Historical romance is what came out of that pen.

SHAREE: Oh, I remember those books! They were some of my favorite as well! Folks always ask questions about writing life. Do you have any writing routines?

CINDY: Mostly my routine is whatever works. I have a full-time job that’s not writing, so when I get home I usually curl up in my recliner, open my computer, and words start appearing on the page. Kind of fun how that happens.

SHAREE: I love that kind of routine! Now, an important question. Coffee or tea?

CINDY: I like both. Coffee in the morning, especially in winter, and then iced tea the rest of the day.

SHAREE: I’m with you there. I love both of them. What’s the one message you’d want a reader to get from Mail-Order Refuge?MailOrderRefuge (3)

CINDY: Forgiveness and grace are there for the taking. By grace, we can get rid of our guilt and release our burdens. That and cowboy heroes are delightful.

SHAREE: Amen to that! What was the best advice you received and would want to pass on?

CINDY: There’s no wrong way to do this writing thing as long as people want to read what you wrote. Write what you want and don’t worry about the “rules.”

SHAREE: Definitely. The rules can stifle creativity. Writers are readers so what’s your favorite book?

CINDY: My favorite book will always be Pride and Prejudice. (Favorite movie too!) Seriously – how could anybody not love Pride and Prejudice?

SHAREE: Ah, a true romantic at heart. What were your first words when you got THE CALL?

CINDY: Stunned silence immediately followed by “Really?”  Pretty eloquent, right?

SHAREE: Giggle, I love that too. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

CINDY: My writing sisters, including Sharee, mean so much to me. I couldn’t do this without their help and support.

SHAREE: Cindy, I couldn’t agree more. There’s something wonderful about having a writing community to walk alongside during this journey. I’m so grateful to share this time with you!

Alright friends, there you have the most wonderful reasons to buy and read Mail-Order Refuge. And it gets better, because Cindy has also offered one print or ebook copy to ONE commenter. So be sure to comment! (Winner will be chosen at random. US only for print copies).

Cindy Regnier_headshotScribbling in notebooks has been a habit of Cindy Regnier since she was old enough to hold a pencil. Born and raised in Kansas, she writes stories of historical Kansas, especially the Flint Hills area where she spent much of her childhood. Cindy is married to her husband of 36 years, has two grown sons, a son residing in heaven, a beautiful daughter-in-law, and a beautiful daughter-in-law-to-be.
A graduate of Kansas State University with a dual major in Agriculture and Business, Cindy works for her local school district as clerk of the board of education and is active in her church and community. Her experiences with the Flint Hills setting, her natural love for history, farming and animals, along with her interest in genealogical research give her the background and passion to write heart-fluttering historical romance.


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